Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tezting, tezting, vun, two t'ree, four ....


Ama said...


Frau A. S. Lowey said...

[pokes the journal with a rather long stick]

May need more voltage....

Baron K. Wulfenbach said...

I take it that the Vice Consul is determined to leave me in the dark regarding your activities, Sergeant.

K. Wulfenbach

Birdsan Weezles said...

[waves at Ama]

[gets another rather long stick and fences with Annechen]

Ho! Hullo, Herr Baron. Keep reading, und hyu vill not be in de dark for long. Hy vill try not to be too schocking, zir.

Frau A. S. Lowey said...

OW! Birdie! It's FENCING, not Broadsword Heavy Weapons!

[clears her throat]

"Sir? Have you perhaps heard of the term 'plausible deniability'?"

[flips the switch on the RLS to electrify it]

Right, let's try this again, shall we?